London Black Women’s Project (LBWP) presently offer the following projects and services to women and girls across London:
Accommodation based refuge services for women and their children fleeing domestic violence accessed through UKROL (Refuges on Line), by referral from another agency or by self-referral. Women should know that we do not accept referrals to the service from within the borough however, if you live in the borough we can support you by securing refuge space out of the borough. Our accommodation-based services offer individualised support and resettlement, counselling and therapeutic support to women and children, and guidance on household management. We work under an empowerment-based framework supporting women and children to build their capacity, coping skills, self-esteem, confidence and independence.
Counselling and therapeutic support services to all age groups of women and girls. We deliver initial therapeutic support and intensive mental health intervention towards an ‘outcomes based’ approach. The initial support consists of individual and/or group support and intervention. Long term support consists of specialist individual counselling to address mental health issues including trauma, anxiety, PTSD and depression from violence and abuse. We believe in addressing the problem of violence against women and girls through our counselling and therapeutic support services. Our approach to healing and recovery is based on recovery of voice, identity, confidence, self-worth and other aspects that allow women and girls to achieve balance in mind and body as consistent with their recovery and healing from violence. We believe in human interconnectedness with nature and as such we consider holistic intervention as critical to mind-body self-healing. We believe this perspective on healing and recovery to be transformative.
Legal Advice Service providing legal advice and information on areas such as domestic violence and all other forms of violence and abuse including harmful practices, resettlement and housing support, welfare and benefits rights and support to women with insecure immigration status. The work is developed under the human rights framework and aims to promote and protect the rights and freedoms and women and girls. as such, the project work towards addressing the root causes of oppression and inequality affecting the lives of women and girls by ensuring women and girls have adequate representation to a achieve social justice.
A dedicated and specialist project working with young women and girls through advocacy, individual support and support groups addressing the normalisation, acceptance and tolerance of violence and abuse and the impact that such attitudes and behaviours have on their lives. The project originates from feedback from young women and girls who said that ‘violence and abuse in relationships is normal, it happens to everyone they know’. We understood from further dialogue with them that social, institutional and cultural locations tolerate violence and abuse and often ‘collude’ (unconsciously and consciously) to silence those affected. Project: Aware challenged the status quo when it comes to violence and abuse against women and girls and seeks to transform ideas, spaces and behaviours.
A dedicated and specialist early intervention and prevention project addressing forced marriage or supporting women and girls at risk of forced marriage through individual support, awareness raising, early intervention and advocacy. The project has developed a successful prevention approach by raising awareness and creating safe pathways to support.
A dedicated and specialist project working with all women and girls using artistic expression in the process of healing and recovery by exploring women and girls’ creative agency. By using art through written word, poetry, plays and other artistic expression the project seeks to empower by constructing worldviews that are free from violence and harm. The worldview constructs come from recovery of voice and identity and help to transform dynamics of power and control towards equality, representation, justice and belief in one’s self.
A BME women and girls’ creative arts and theatre project aimed at awareness raising of the impact of violence against women and girls using the art through narrative constructs to create common approaches and collaborative actions.
We also work with professionals:
We deliver training and awareness raising to front line professionals across criminal justice, Police, social services, education, housing, voluntary and community sector and other sector on violence against women and girls including harmful practices, safeguarding and VAWG response and intervention. We can develop and deliver bespoke training to meet the needs of your organisation.