Refuge Client & Family Support Caseworker
Salary: £31,000
Hours: 40 hours per week
Deadline: 9am, 9th July 2020
The role includes delivering holistic, women centred, individualised support for BAME women and children in our refuges, ensuring their safety and using an empowerment approach to enable positive resettlement into appropriate accommodation.
Due to the nature of the role, we will only accept applications from BAME* female candidates. Exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1. Additionally we encourage applications from women with lived experience of accessing services.
Please note CVs will not be accepted.
*Black Asian Minority Ethic Women: i.e. women who originate from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America, including the indigenous peoples of Australasia, the Americas and the islands of the Atlantic Indian and Pacific Oceans.