London Black Women’s Project (LBWP) was established in 1987 as a women-only organisation to serve the needs of black minority ethnic and refugee women.
LBWP’s mission is committed to securing the highest level of quality services towards protecting, promoting and developing the rights and resources of women and girls.
LBWP works towards the eradication of gender violence form the perspective of intersectionality.
LBWP promotes zero tolerance and work towards building a non-violent society where women and children are safe.
Need Help?
We offer emergency accommodation if you are thinking of leaving a violent relationship. We also accommodate children.
If you are fleeing a violent relationship form within the borough, we can make a referral for you to another safe refuge in another locality. We do this for your own safety.
We offer free legal advice services.
We offer counselling and therapeutic support to women and girls of all ages.
If you need information about violence you are experiencing, contact us.
Call the office on 0208 472 0528.
Also visit the Find Help page on this website.
We offer services respecting your voice. This is what you can expect when you contact us.
Women and Girls’ Charter
This charter tells women and girls who use our services about:
Empowering and Enabling – The way we work – How we do what we do.
Their Rights as Service Users – What they can expect from us and the service
Empowering and Enabling – The way we work and what this means in practice:
We won’t tell you what to do with your life.
Through talking, listening to you and looking at the possibilities we’ll help you find out what the choices are and support you to make your own decision about:
Short term practical things that need to be done
The future – your hopes – and what you want to do in the long term
Difficult problems that feel scary and complicated
We will make sure that together we find a way through and that we have all the information so that you feel in control of what happens next
If we do not have the information you need – we will work towards finding the information
We will work with you to make things happen
We won’t always agree about everything but even when this happens we will treat you with respect and listen to what you have to say
Your Rights – What you can expect from us and the service:
You will be given information about the service
We will make sure that you feel involved and make time to hear your views about the service and how we can improve it.
We will do our best to make sure that you feel safe and protected within the project and that your confidentiality and privacy is not breached.
Some of our paperwork is complicated – we’ll try to keep things simple and explain things and honour your request for review your paperwork within 14 days of the written notice having been given.
We’ll take care to explain your right to complain and the level of service you ought to receive
We will provide you with support and will plan things with you.
If you want to stop receiving the support services and return another time, we can still provide support other than refuge services.
We want you to feel able to ask questions if you are not sure about anything and to tell us if you think you have not been treated fairly.
Your Responsibilities – What we expect from you
You will not discuss your personal information with other clients you come in contact with at LBWP offices and sites.
You will not breach confidentiality of other clients whom you may have seen or heard at LBWP offices and sites.
You will not abuse staff in any manner.
You will participate in service user panels or give feedback on service provision through other channels like the comment box or annual survey or service specific feedback forms.
We uphold standards to deliver you a quality service that you deserve.
LBWPs services are accredited by:
Customer First
Advice Quality Standard
Women’s Aid National Quality Framework.
Our Commitment to Women and Girls
For three decades LBWP has worked to address violence against women and girls in whatever form violence occurs.
We celebrate our achievements by standing up for women and girls and fighting for the protection of their human rights.
We continue to provide safe housing and fight for women’s rights to permanent and better housing.
We continue to work in the areas of direct service provision, early intervention and prevention of violence.
We continue to raise awareness of violence against women. We continue to campaign on their behalf until our society and our world is free from violence and harm.